I’ve been teaching and working with Reiki since the mid nineties. I work with small groups of up to 10 students for Reiki 1 and 2 classes and a maximum of 6 students for Reiki 3A (master practitioner) and Reiki 3B (master teacher).
I teach just a couple of Reiki 1 and 2 classes each year, please check the Live Teaching page for current dates. If you’re interested in training with me please get in touch to register your interest.
For Reiki Master training (3A & 3B) please email me. I teach these rarely, only when guided to do so and when I feel my energy is a good match for the student.
In more recent years I’ve introduced the use of Gongs, singing bowls and planetary tuning forks to the Reiki attunement / initiation process as well as during self-healing practise, meditation and treatment.
The use of sound healing instruments like the Chiron and Venus Gongs, induces an altered state of consciousness, allowing the student to relax and receive, opening the auric field and the major energy centres and amplifiying the intention of the days work.
Isabel works with me, playing the gongs and bowls softly during the Reiki attunements.
Reiki is a simple yet profound healing and spiritual practice. ‘Rei’ means ‘mysteriously guided’ or ‘universally guided’ and ‘Ki’ means ‘life force / vital energy.
The origins of Reiki can be traced back to Tibet many thousands of years ago. Modern Tibetans say that what we call Reiki has always been practiced in their land. Some of the symbols that are used to attune students to Reiki are ancient Tibetan meditation and healing symbols
Mikaomi Usui of Kyoto, Japan ‘rediscovered’ Reiki towards the end of the nineteenth century during an extended period of meditation and fasting when he had a Satori (glimpse of enlightenment). Usui set up Reiki clinics throughout Japan, taught many students and established the Reiki Shiki Ryoho - Reiki healing society.
The history of Reiki since it arrived in the West in the mid 1940’s has been surrounded by mystery and confusion. Essential information had been lost along the way, leaving the world of Reiki in conflict with different schools of thought arguing over who teaches the ‘genuine’ or ‘original Reiki’!
Thanks to Frank Arjarva Petter’s research into the origins of Reiki and the rediscovery of Usui’s original teaching manual, it seems that the cloud of confusion is lifting. Petter’s first book ‘Reiki Fire’, first published in 1997 is probably the most important book on the origins of Reiki available in the West.
Sarah Pritchard, Cornwall, 2019
'Thank you both for your wonderful teachings... As always I came away feeling uplifted and renewed.'
Reiki ideals

Just for today, I will let go of anger
Just for today, I will let go of worry
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings
Just for today, I will do my work honestly
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing